Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Welcome to my Sabbatical Blog!

It has been barely over one week and chilling/relaxing and reducing stress has been a top priority for this super Type A personality.  The load-in for the camper and reorganizing days were exhausting, so the first 4 days were used as decompression while we hung out next to the Guadalupe River in Seguin at David & Ann's place on the river.

I struggle daily to not make a "To Do" list and focus on having fun and being in the moment.  Meanwhile I am trying new ways of doing things for fun, like reading during the day and getting up early, instead of reading late into the night, and sleeping in.

Now for the fun events we have done this past week:

-- met up with Barbara & Ed and listened to New Orleans style jazz music at Star Co. Coffee in Round Rock, TX
-- went to see the "President's Own" U.S. Marine Band Concert in San Antonio
-- headed to Dallas/Ft. Worth to see Cassie & Randy and went to the Pecan Lodge BBQ at the Dallas Farmers Market
-- going to see our "adopted" son Dage and Michele to see the baby bump at 29 weeks

That's about it for this week.  I'll close for now with two realizations: (1) I must be relaxing because I did lose track of my calendar by forgetting which day of the week it was. And (2) I don't have to get straight "A's" in life anymore.  I can relax and go with the flow.  Talk to you next week.  I'll close with these pictures of Chouli and Sparky, showing how laid back we are all feeling right now.

Sending everyone love and hugs from S.O.S.O.S. and Glynn, Sparky and Patchouli!


  1. YAY! Travel journaling is a record of history, and I'm excited to "go" all the places you'll go!

  2. Hope you all have a GREAT & relaxing time!!
    Sheri M
